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Silver Lining Amidst the Muck

The Rick Pitino saga is one of the sickest and saddest sports-related stories I’ve ever come accross .  Here are the major details: University of Louisville men’s basketball coach Rick Pitino told police that he had consensual sex with Karen Cunagin Sypher at a Louisville . . . . Continue Reading »

Levinson’s Baltimore

Dr. Pat Deneen has a fine post (recycled from the leading journal in political science in the world) about the movement from family and community to individuality and choice in Barry Levinson’s AVALON in the mode of Ehrenhalt’s classic LOST CITY. It’s true that people spent more . . . . Continue Reading »

Rerun Season: The Plague of Flies

I’m out all day both today and tomorrow, first at our Latin-Mass-Holy-Hour-Pa-Looza, and then on a day-long field trip to a military-chaplains’ museum. As I was casting about for some religious idea to leave you with, my eye fell on the dog, who has been stalking flies. He’s not . . . . Continue Reading »

Hothead of State

John Gartner, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins, has published a psychological profile of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel in Psychology Today . The diagnosis? Hypomanic . . . . . Continue Reading »

Democracy in Action

Here’s some good news : Tucked inside a sweeping House bill to overhaul the health system is a provision that would require Medicare to pay physicians to counsel patients once every five years. During those sessions, doctors could discuss how patients can plan for such end-of-life decisions . . . . Continue Reading »

Modernity is a Children’s Paradise?

Economist Bryan Caplan provides a sort of counter-argument to my previous post. Contrary to our pseudo-nostalgia for the good ol’ days, children are physically better off now than they were in the 1950s : In chapter 4 of my next book, I compare this “television reality” to actual . . . . Continue Reading »

Aesthetic Politics

The New York Times reports: guys have gone wild with their hair! Now it’s well nigh impossible to tell what a man (okay, lad) does or who he is just by assessing his do. It’s like Renaissance Italy — freaks prowling proudly everywhere, completely outside the envelope of fashion . . . . Continue Reading »



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