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Holy Trinity Times Two

Bought two posters depicting the Holy Trinity yesterday for my First Communion class. This first one, the “Old Testament Trinity Icon,” I know well and love. I especially love the idea of the Trinity’s quiet intervention, as mysterious guests, to set in motion a history which will . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Things Never Change, Africa Edition

From William Easterly’s paper, ” Can the West Save Africa? ” [PDF] Most of the emphasis in project-specific efforts has been in addressing problems of illiteracy, disease, low agricultural productivity (possibly linked to land tenure practices, to be discussed more in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Safire’s “Stranded on the Moon” Speech

William Safire, the inimitable wordsmith and pundit, died yesterday at the age of seventy-nine . To younger generations, Safire is most well-known for the three decades’ worth of columns he wrote for the New York Times . But before he was a columnist, he was a speechwriter for the Nixon . . . . Continue Reading »

Politics without Politics

I was very privileged to be able to attend a lecture by Alasdair MacIntyre at Catholic University here in DC over the weekend. The topic was “Ends and Endings”, and the speech was a delightfully rambling overview of the connections between teleology and literature, ethics and . . . . Continue Reading »



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