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Killing for Organs

I have a piece up on CNS News.Com on the renewed drive to dismantle the dead donor rule that requires vital organ donors to be dead before procurement. From my column:Oh-oh: Here they come. For years, organ transplant ethicists and some in the bioethics community have agitated to increase the supply . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert George Takes On Kevin Jennings

The American Principles Project has launched a new website— —dedicated to ousting Kevin Jennings from the Department of Education. Robert George, the group’s founder, explains the radical agenda supported by Jennings: Children don’t need to be learning about . . . . Continue Reading »

Business vs. Markets

Arnold Kling explains that support for markets and business are not the same thing: Consider the following matrix: Pro-Business Anti-Business Pro-Market Anti-Market The point is that there really are four separate categories, not just the two pro’s and the two anti’s. On health care . . . . Continue Reading »

I&C Shopper’s News

It’s been a not-unexciting week around here, but let’s see what’s happening in the wide world: Russia Fined, Refuses to Recognize Scientology as ReligionEpiscopalians Get Spiritual, Grow BasilChristian Filmmakers to Focus on Making Good MoviesHistory Too Kind to Confucius? . . . . Continue Reading »

Was St. Augustine A Liberal Episcopalian?

Ross Douthat reviews Karen Armstrong’s The Case for God : This is an eloquent case for the ancient roots of the liberal approach to faith, and my summary does not do justice to its subtleties. But it deserves to be heavily qualified. Armstrong concedes that the religious story she’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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