Being a student of Voegelin, a philosophical groupie as it were, I’ve long wanted to attend one the annual American Political Science Association meetings held throughout the country and Canada. This year’s event was held last month in Toronto and has, of course, been blogged here at PoMoCon.
I’ve had sundry professors tell me that the gatherings are rather boring and they ‘hate’ to attend but that hasn’t dissuaded me, not one bit. It hasn’t dissuaded me because not only would I get to meet my Voegelinian heroes (Sandoz, Wagner, Hughes, Walsh, Levy et al,) I’d also get to meet Ivan, Peter, from PoMoCon, and my pal Roger Berkowitz from Bard College. And, being an affable fellow there’s nothing I’d enjoy more than pressing the flesh with these learned scholars and hoisting an adult beverage or two.
But, this year’s APSA meeting wasn’t exactly boring. In fact at the Voegelin assembly there was something of a “mood” that is revealed in Voegelinian scholar Fritz Wagner’s essay and the responses by three of his interlocutors to certain ‘comments’ made at the meetings.
Ah, the contretemps of the philosophical life!