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A Sword Between the Sexes

Like us over at Mere Orthodoxy, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen likes C.S. Lewis.As an undergrad, she was drawn to his vision of a Christianity, which fuses intellectual robustness with piety and a lively imagination.  She found in him a subtle challenge to the dominant regime of physicalism, a . . . . Continue Reading »

Steve Jobs Says “No” To iPorn

Steve Jobs can, as one commenter said of his 2007 iPhone debut presentation, “sell ice to an Eskimo.” What’s more interesting than what he can sell, though, is what he chooses not to. After his well-publicized decision not to sanction adult-themed applications on the new iPad, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Sedate South Dakota

In today’s “On the Square,” South Dakota Dreamin’ , our senior editor R. R. Reno reflects on why South Dakota, and by extension much of “fly over country,” developed into such the buccolic Midwest of the cultural stereotype, when the historical and sociological . . . . Continue Reading »

Thwart a Union, Go to Hell?

Catholic scholars say those who thwart labor unions commit mortal sin: A group of Catholic scholars contends that management efforts to break labor unions are a grave breech of the church’s social doctrine and tantamount to committing mortal sin. A statement from Weymouth, Mass.-based . . . . Continue Reading »

Henry VIII, (Perhaps) Saved By Grace

I’m a great believer in ecumenical generosity, but I would have thought damning the founding figure of your own tradition was taking things too far. In a sermon commemorating the martyrdom of several Carthusian monks during the English Reformation, the heir of that Reformation said, “If . . . . Continue Reading »

Vincible Ignorance Revisited

Although I had vowed to give the subject a much needed rest, I feel compelled to show due respect to those who objected to my post claiming that atheists are exhibiting vincible ignorance in failing to acknowledge the existence of God. The most common complaint registered by my critics was that I . . . . Continue Reading »



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