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Hillary Upsets Obama

Obama annoys Edwards. Edwards gives Richardson the creeps. Richardson ignores Kucinich. Mike Gravel asks, “Who am I? Where am I?” . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s McCain in New Hampshire

Yes, the Golf Channel has called John McCain as the winner in New Hampshire, making him . . . king of New Hampshire or something. I wonder if that comes with a company car . . . . . . . Continue Reading »

The Goose Is Booked

for Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame . And Mark McGwire remains steady at a pathetic 128 votes . And Clemens remains angry . And Jim Bouton, author of Ball Four , which exposed players’ abuse of speed back in the early seventies, says ban em, for life . And if it remains a he said/he . . . . Continue Reading »

Clerical Drips

One of our esteemed writers pointed me hither: Uwe Siemon-Netto’s disturbing experience at an English countryside Christmas church service . It sounds like a Monty Python sketch. The only thing missing is the vicar’s pulling out a set of plates and smashing them on the pulpit to get the . . . . Continue Reading »

Kenyan Lutherans

The Seattle Times has this about one Lutheran church in a Nairobi slum attempting to cope with the inter-tribal massacres spawned by the recent presidential election. I couldn’t help but think of this, from Luther’s book of Spiritual Consolations : “If the devil could keep peace, . . . . Continue Reading »

What’s So Amazing About Randi?

Andy Rau over at ThinkChristian , a smart blog hosted by, has a fun post with a serious intention on the Amazing Randi’s evisceration of con artist Peter Popoff. James Randi has also taunted so-called psychics Sylvia Browne and Allison Dubois (the inspiration for the TV show Medium . . . . Continue Reading »

Albert Mohler to Run for President

. . . of the Southern Baptist Convention . (Sorry—should I have put that in the headline?) Moderates (presumably those of an Arminian bent) will not be pleased. Mohler is one of a growing number of conservatives within the SBC seeking to bring Baptists back to their Calvinist roots. It was . . . . Continue Reading »

The Spoiler for 2008

It’s not Ron Paul, it’s not Michael Bloomberg, and it’s not Harold Stassen (who is as dead as Julius Caesar). No, the man who threatens to tear this presidential election apart is none other than Gene Amondson , candidate representing the 139-year-old Prohibition Party . Thought . . . . Continue Reading »

Workers of the World Kerfluxed

Ya gotta love it. The striking Writers Guild of America is being struck by its own employees . Will the picketers be picketed in ever thickening concentric circles producing a narcotizing effect on passersby? Will this drama become its own reality show, eliminating the need for writers altogether? . . . . Continue Reading »

The Man in the Glassbooth

I am informed by some big-time know-it-alls that the event last night was not, in fact, the election, but that this whole presidential business will continue for quite some time, perhaps even into April. (Whatever happened to good old-fashioned court intrigue, poisoned figs, and jousts . . . ) . . . . Continue Reading »



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