Pete Spiliakos on aggressive incrementalism as a winning strategy for pro-lifers : In the last few presidential elections, the strategy of the Republican presidential candidate has been to talk about abortion only when asked. The purpose seems to be to signal pro-life views while not alienating . . . . Continue Reading »
From Charles Dickens’ essay “Philadelphia, and Its Solitary Prison,” quoted today in the Washington Post by George Will : In the outskirts, stands a great prison, called the Eastern Penitentiary: conducted on a plan peculiar to the state of Pennsylvania. The system here, is rigid, . . . . Continue Reading »
Photo by Anne Cassuto . . . But not in the usual sense of that term. As reported by The World : In LHospitalet, near Barcelona, a priest let a bunch of graffiti artists go to town on his church. Specifically, on the dome ceiling above the main altar. You know, the space Michelangelo . . . . Continue Reading »
Anna , as a general matter, changes in social stigmas tend to be the results of changes in underlying social conditions more than their causes . The vanishing stigma on divorce, illegitimacy, etc., which you mention, is one case in point. To some extent a reduction in the stigma preceded the change . . . . Continue Reading »
The Top 25 Films on Marriage Editors, Image Warning: O’Connor Ahead Kathleen Nielson, Gospel Coalition Lawrence Krauss and Anxiety over Contingency Neil Ormerod, ABC Religion & Ethics Is the Concert Hall Obsolete? Stefan Kanfer, City Journal The Real Differences Between Mahony and Gomez . . . . Continue Reading »
Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense, sent out a memorandum the other day about ” Extending Benefits to Same-Sex Partners of Military Members “. You could look at it as the other shoe dropping with the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Now, you tell so you can be . . . . Continue Reading »
The National Council of Churches is moving from its offices in New York’s “God Box” to a Capitol Hill office : The National Council of Churches confirmed today that the ecumenical council will shut down its historic office on New Yorks Riverside Drive, . . . . Continue Reading »
Catholic News Service reports : The Jesuit-run Woodstock Theological Center, on the campus of Georgetown University in Washington another Jesuit-run institution will close at the end of June, a victim of the shrinking number of Jesuits available to staff it. Yes, Fr. Reese was . . . . Continue Reading »
The following appeared in the 11 February issue of Christian Courier as part of my monthly “Principalities & Powers” column: I love the Hungarian people. Among their many national virtues, they boast some of the greatest musicians, such as Béla Bartók (1881-1945) and . . . . Continue Reading »
From an interview with Bishop Charles Scicluna of Malta, the Vatican’s highly respected former prosecutor of child sex abuse cases: In 2004, Maciel celebrated his 60th anniversary of priestly ordination at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. All the Roman Curia went, bishops and . . . . Continue Reading »