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First off, I want to apologize for being missing in action. All my time has been sucked up by THE PUBLIC POLICY DIMENISON OF BEING STUCK WITH VIRTUE CONFERENCE, which was a huge success. More on that soon. The dominant tendency of Republicans is now called, in several places, ABR. The likely voters . . . . Continue Reading »

Ron Paul Is Looking Better

or the soft bigotry of low expectations, 1.  One of the themes of this Republican presidential race is the tension between electability/competence on one hand and conservative authenticity on the other.  Romney has been winning the competence/electability sweepstakes all year (minus a . . . . Continue Reading »

Any Medical Treatment Can Hasten Death

This pro doctor-prescribed death meme is so old and tired: Pain control can lead to a sooner death, hence it is no different than assisted suicide.  And now, in the Canadian attempt to impose assisted suicide by judicial fiat, a pro assisted suicide lawyer cross examined a palliative care . . . . Continue Reading »

Loyalty’s Perverted Cousin, Conspiracy

The horrifying news out of Penn State has many of us talking about ethics lately, especially those of us who work in academe as I do.  One of the terms I’ve heard mentioned the most is “loyalty,” as many commentators have observed that a misplaced sense of loyalty in the . . . . Continue Reading »



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