In case you missed it: Ecuador and Bolivia have granted (literally) “rights” to “nature,” that are co-equal with those of humans. And Bolivia has stated it will soon try to obtain a UN Treaty doing the same.
Don’t roll your eyes. There are some very powerful forces that seek to mutate environmental advocacy into a neo earth religion. Also, to make any major exploitation of natural resources a “crime against peace” co-equal to crimes against humanity, known as “ecocide,” also intended for UN consideration.
The increasing radicalism that is the horse pulling environmentalism’s cart would destroy human exceptionalism and, in the process, create mass poverty. Think about it. Viruses are part of nature. So are pond scum and flies. In any event, I opine over at Secondhand Smoke on the “rights of nature” for anyone interested. And here’s an article in the Weekly Standard I wrote last year about the ecocide threat. Forewarned is forearmed.