The anti humanism of radical environmentalism drew me into discussing this issue. And it is rampant. It is one thing when an Earth Liberation Front anarchist spouts the old misanthropy. And you can find blogs that say anything, I know. But when educated scientists do it, things are heading for a very unpretty pass.
I receive alerts to “human exceptionalism,” and followed one link to a blog by a self-described environmental scientist who makes it clear how she views us all. From the blog Killing Mother:
Humans are exceptional in one respect - in their ability to sequester all the resources for themselves. In nature, when a virus or bacterial infection spreads unchecked, it is called a disease. When an organism multiplies without restraint, it is referred to as a biological nuisance. When cells grow out of control, it is cancer. Within nature, people are a cancer upon the planet.
She should speak for herself.
The writer also engages in an anti Christian rant, but that doesn’t concern me. It is the bitter anti human exceptionalism that is so dangerous and inimical to human freedom. And this kind of self loathing isn’t healthy for the writer or, particularly, for humankind.