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So You Want to Get a PhD in the Humanities?

Since the middle ages and the rise of the universities as distinct institution, the academic life has been a ripe target for satire. I can’t say this video is as artful as send up of scholastic logic and disputation in The Battle of the Seven Arts by Henri d’Andeli, but has some funny . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro-Life Naïfs Visit Princeton

Austin Ruse has a dispiriting report from a recent pro-life conference held at Princeton University: Abortion advocates came with a great deal of confidence and a clear agenda. Many of the pro-lifers came with little more than good will, not a little embarrassment, and in many cases an incomplete . . . . Continue Reading »


So here’s what I think about the election: The forecasts—based on complicated models—found in the APSA’s PS by real social scientists—with the exception of the one by the astute James Campbell—are, as usual, too timid in terms of picking up the impending surge. . . . . Continue Reading »

Halloween Memories

Each year, as the month of October draws to a close—and late-afternoon shadows grow longer earlier, and there’s a chill in the wind, and bright leaves swirl down into a carpet of red and gold beneath bare branches—my thoughts turn not just to Halloween, but to Halloweens long past. . . . . Continue Reading »

Numinous Autumns, Dreadful Superstitions

In . . . of hills, brooks, standing lakes, and groves , today’s “On the Square” article, David Hart reflects on those times when we are “most immediately aware of the numinous within nature” and the “dreadful superstition” that there are no spirits of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Afternoon Links — 10.28.10

Only a very small percentage (7.5%, “using the most optimistic set of assumptions”) of embryos used in in vitro fertilization will become babies , according to a study by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. At the same time, some doctors are advising young women to freeze . . . . Continue Reading »



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