Austin Ruse has a dispiriting report from a recent pro-life conference held at Princeton University:
Abortion advocates came with a great deal of confidence and a clear agenda. Many of the pro-lifers came with little more than good will, not a little embarrassment, and in many cases an incomplete ability to articulate the pro-life position.[ . . . ]
On the opening panel which set the tone for the day Jennifer Miller could not have been more embarrassed by the position she was supposed to defend. Another panelist, a former staff member of Planned Parenthood, suggested that Miller would answer a question from the pro-life perspective. Miller nervously refused to answer saying we had a teleconference on this subject and decided we would not reveal our positions, even though most of the speakers on the opening panel had already revealed themselves to be pro-abortion. Miller actually referred to abortion clinic escorts as patient advocates. It seems Miller got at least a touch of the Stockholm Syndrome during the conference planning.