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Are Tea Party Leaders Destroying the Movement?

They don’t get it either. A few months ago I complained that the House Republicans were out of touch with the conservative movemen t. Turns out that many of the leaders of the Tea Party are too . A gay conservative group and some Tea Party leaders are campaigning to keep social issues off the . . . . Continue Reading »

Fighting the Good Fight

This year’s Life Prizes have just been announced. In past years, the $600,000 in awards have been split among winners such as Lila Rose (who recently wrote about her pro-life adventures in the October issue of FT). This year’s winners are: Jeanne Head (a UN representative for National . . . . Continue Reading »

Death Nihilism: Selling Cadavers as Decor

The notorious Gunther von Hagens—who plasticizes the dead—is now selling his bodies, perhaps for use in home decoration. From the story:The German entrepreneur, whose Body Worlds exhibitions showed human cadavers in lifelike poses, has told clients they will be able to buy the fleshless . . . . Continue Reading »

Simplifying the Presidency?

When I read the headline of this article on RealClear Politics , I thought the authors were making a familiar conservative case—that Barack Obama’s learning curve in the Oval Office is impossibly steep, that he was (and remains) underqualified for the job.  I think I know the . . . . Continue Reading »

Disney’s Culture, Then & Now

In today’s second “On the Square” article, associate editor Mary Ellen Kelly reflects on Disney’s Christian Past and Tangled Present . Although the critic Armond White, writing in the December issue of First Things , is absolutely right about the tendency of today’s . . . . Continue Reading »

The Believer Smiles Benignly

The secularist must feel the religious believer is cheating when he responds to the secularist’s arguments, I argue in today’s “On the Square” article, Secularist Cheating . The secularist argues, for example, that people take to religion as a crutch, because they can’t . . . . Continue Reading »



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