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This year’s Life Prizes have just been announced. In past years, the $600,000 in awards have been split among winners such as Lila Rose (who recently wrote about her pro-life adventures in the October issue of FT).

This year’s winners are: Jeanne Head (a UN representative for National Right to Life and a Representative of the International Right to Life Federation), the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network (which has provided assistance to more than 1000 families, including the medically dependent, persons with disabilities, and those incapacitated in life-threatening situations), Douglas Johnson (legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee), Kristan Hawkins (executive director of Students for Life of America), Reverend Alveda King (a public face of the pro-life movement in the African American community), and Marie Smith (director of the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues, a non-partisan global outreach of Gospel of Life Ministries).

Life Prizes “awards those who have succeeded in awakening the conscience of America to uphold and preserve the sanctity of human life through their leadership and advances in public advocacy, scientific research, outreach and public disclosure activities, legal action, and other noteworthy achievements.” Congrats to this year’s six winners!

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