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Goldman Sachs: Ethics for Sale

At the end of their 4-page Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Goldman Sachs declares that they reserve the right to “waive” certain provisions contained in the document. Well that certainly makes for an easy conscience, doesn’t it? American Public Media’s Kai Ryssdal . . . . Continue Reading »


My post on slaves and sons reminded me of a point I’ve been thinking that I don’t think I’ve ever discussed with anyone or written anything about. The term “gender-inclusive” has come to be associated with a certain translation philosophy in Bible translation, namely . . . . Continue Reading »

Madonna is No Saint Teresa

At the Washington Post ‘s On Faith section, Mark Judge argues in “Lady Gaga is no Madonna” that his fellow conservatives don’t understand pop music . He starts out making a defensible case before attemping a bizarre contrarian interpretation of pop-star Madonna’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Churchill’s Cigar Censors

It seems a covert operative of the PC police, or perhaps just a mischievous photoshopper, has infiltrated London’s Britain at War Museum, unceremoniously airbrushing Winston Churchill’s cigar from one of his most famous wartime candids on display there, to the chagrin of the museum’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Persecution News: The Copts

According to the  Assyrian International News Agency , quoted in a Pajamas Media story Unprecedented: Egyptian Government Suppresses Christian Doctrine by Raymond Ibrahim: The head of the Coptic Church in Egypt has rejected a court ruling that orders the church to allow divorced Copts to . . . . Continue Reading »

Surviving Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne’s genome is being mapped by scientists to find out how he survived decades of substance abuse. Forget the substance abuse, I want my genome mapped so that I can figure out how I survived Ozzy’s music during the dolorous 1970s. . . . . Continue Reading »

Carter on Kinkade

Our web editor Joe Carter has suggested in today’s “On the Square” that there are some problems with the hugely popular painter Thomas Kinkade’s painting. He writes, in Thomas Kinkade’s Cottage Fantasy , that the painting is sentimental, which will not surprise you, but . . . . Continue Reading »



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