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Why Are We So Offended All the Time?

Over on the Evangel blog, Kevin DeYoung has one of the most offensive posts I’ve ever read: Offendedness is just about the last shared moral currency in our country. And, I’m sorry, but it’s really annoying. We don’t discuss ideas or debate arguments, we try to figure out who . . . . Continue Reading »

Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking

In the Chronicles of Higher Education , Michael Roth, a humanities professor at Wesleyan University, explains how the notion of “critical thinking” has devolved into the game of just being critical of whatever someone says: A common way to show that one has sharpened one's . . . . Continue Reading »

Americans Literally Can’t Get Any Fatter

First, the good news: According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans, at least as a group, may have reached their peak of obesity. Now the bad news: The plateau might just suggest that “we’ve reached a biological limit” to how obese people could get. . . . . Continue Reading »

Tragedy and Theodicy

Tens of thousands of Haitians have already died in the wake of the devastating earthquake on Tuesday, and tens of thousands more are threatened by disease and a lack of food and clean water. We thought this would be an appropriate moment to revisit David B. Hart’s essay from the March 2005 . . . . Continue Reading »

Corpus Juris Vol. IV

The Supreme Court blocks the Prop. 8 trial from being aired , and Professor Orin Kerr offers some interesting thoughts on the decision here . Professor Matthew J. Franck on the health care reform bill and conservative “judicial activism.” The Supremes may know the law, but the NFL? . . . . Continue Reading »

On Ethics, Law, and Pragmatism

The place of ethics as informing law is quite controversial.  But ahead of that is the search for common language about on the subject.  For instance, the principle of pragmatism can be quite confusing.  For instance, Jason Kuznicki provides a useful decision tree on the subject of . . . . Continue Reading »



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