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From the Archbishop of Jos

Readers moved by the news reported in today’s Rally for Nigeria may want to read the Zenit interview with the Catholic archbishop of Jos, Ignatius Kaigama, Co-existence Turned Sour . At one point he explains that despite the persecution, many indigenous Christians are not leaving the north, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Face in the Apple?

Newsweek’s new issue is out, featuring more in the magazine’s ongoing love affair with the Obamas—this time a cover about Michelle Obama’s campaign against obesity. But what’s that in the reflection in the apple? A reader suggests its either Karl Marx or one of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Portion Distortion and the Last Supper

How much would Jesus eat? The answer—as determined by depictions of the last supper—vary by era, say two brothers— an eating behavior expert and a religious studies scholar : Brian and Craig Wansink teamed up to analyze the amount of food depicted in 52 of the best-known paintings of . . . . Continue Reading »

Chemistry and Culpability

In response to the question, “What were they thinking?” Christopher Buckley argues that the same substance propelling the success of men such as John Edwards, Mark Sanford, and Tiger Woods also detonates their spectacular flame-outs.  “The very drive that propels these people . . . . Continue Reading »

Counter-Reformation Cult of the Dead

San Lorenzo del Escorial: the palace complex of King Philip II of Spain, late sixteenth century. Architects: Juan Bautista de Toledo and Juan de Herrera.Carlos Eire, author of A Brief History of Eternity (Princeton, 2009), examines how “Catholics embraced their dead even more tightly than . . . . Continue Reading »



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