How much would Jesus eat? The answeras determined by depictions of the last suppervary by era, say two brothers an eating behavior expert and a religious studies scholar :
Brian and Craig Wansink teamed up to analyze the amount of food depicted in 52 of the best-known paintings of the Last Supper. After indexing the sizes of the foods by the sizes of the average disciples head, they found that portion size, plate size, and bread size increased dramatically over the last one thousand years. Overall, the main courses depicted in the paintings grew by 69%, plate size by 66%, and bread size by 23%.The studys findings will be published in the April 2010 issue of the International Journal of Obesity and released in the online version of the journal on Tuesday, March 23.
I think people assume that increased serving sizes, or portion distortion, is a recent phenomenon, said Brian Wansink, professor and director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab. But this research indicates that its a general trend for at least the last millennium.
(Via: WORLD Magazine Blog )