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Here’s my story of my appearance on local TEA PARTY radio. Why is it on BIG THINK? Well, they young guys who run BIG THINK (with, I hope, good reason) think of themselves as something akin to the founders of GOOGLE or YOUTUBE. They flattered me by saying I’m that rare (because . . . . Continue Reading »

The Reverend and Russefeiring

A Norwegian reality show,  The Great Norway Adventure , takes American-Norwegians, some generations beyond their ancestral homeland, and initiates them by various contests to the true rites of passage real Norwegians are said to put up with in becoming authentically Norski. One of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Train a Child in the Way He Should Go

Eve Tushnet explains why Mormon parents do a better job than most of keeping their children from the “mutant creed best understood as ‘Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.’” Parents who show, by their words or their actions, that the tenets and practices of their faith are vague, . . . . Continue Reading »

Should Jews Own Christmas Trees?

Mark Oppenheimer on why religious minority groups should resist the pull of assimilation : [H]ow much blander America would be if the broad, largely secular, and increasingly materialistic Christmas season were everyone’s tradition. If Muslims, Jews, the Amish, the Hindus, and all the rest of . . . . Continue Reading »

“Momentous” Is Not An Overstatement

Momentous indeed: It is one thing, and isn’t another—and that’s not mere subjective opinion. Or so we read in What is Marriage, a new and momentous paper authored by First Things board member Robert P. George, along with former First Things assistant editor Ryan Anderson and Rhodes . . . . Continue Reading »



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