Here’s my story of my appearance on local TEA PARTY radio. Why is it on BIG THINK? Well, they young guys who run BIG THINK (with, I hope, good reason) think of themselves as something akin to the founders of GOOGLE or YOUTUBE. They flattered me by saying I’m that rare (because “postmodern,” no doubt) conservative blogger who deserves a broader audience, which they can provide. So we’ll see what happens. Most of what I have and will post there you already know. But when there’s something new, I will be sure to pass on to you. And, of course, I haven’t abandoned the whole POMOCON MOVEMENT and its signature blog.
ADD-ON SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: I will be appearing on the ANDY CALDWELL radio show tomorrow from 3:30-4 PST to plug my new book MODERN AND AMERICAN DIGNITY. You’re going to have to google around to find out where this show is available for YOU.
UPDATE: Plug changed to Friday at the same time.