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Well, Them Baptists Do All Look Alike…

Newser , an online news aggregator started by Michael Wolff ( Vanity Fair , New York magazine), claims to “choose the most important stories from hundreds of US and international sources and reduce them to a headline, picture, and two paragraphs.” That reducing to a picture can be a bit . . . . Continue Reading »

A Martyred Faith

Along with several others, we received yesterday a statement from a reader who practices the dangerous profession of being a Christian missionary to Muslims in the Middle East. Along the way, the missionary notes: In August of 2008 a young lady named Fatima al-Mutayri, age 26, was martyred in Saudi . . . . Continue Reading »

A Divided House

A divorced couple’s irreconcilable differences make what seems a very bad occasion for legal decisions with serious First Amendment implications. But that’s what we have in the June 2009 New Hampshire family-court decision In re Kurowski & Voydatch . The libertarian law-professor and . . . . Continue Reading »



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