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Leslie Burke Could Happen Here

Here is my extended article on the Leslie Burke case in the UK. Lest Americans think that we are not affected by unilateral treatment cut offs, throughout the country hospitals are quietly promulgating futile care theory protocols that give ethics committees the final say on whether wanted . . . . Continue Reading »

Cloning Untruths

The propaganda of Big Biotech and the Science Establishment about cloning is unremitting. They used to acknowledge the basic biological truth that cloning creates embryos. But now, to win a political debate, they claim cloning doesn’t create embryos or any form of life at all.The latest to . . . . Continue Reading »

Leslie Burke’s Web Site

For those interested in the Leslie Burke case in the UK, here is his WEB site.Burke is the man who sued for the legal right to receive a feeding tube if he loses the ability to swallow. He won at the trial court level, but amazingly, the medical authorities and the government of the UK have . . . . Continue Reading »



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