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The LCMS Mess—Part Deux

Listen to Mollie Ziegler Hemingway on the White Horse Inn talking about the Issues, Etc. debacle and the real issues behind the precipitate purging of that very popular radio call-in show. Mollie pulls no punches in her analysis of the division within the LCMS and the role that division . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Suicide Machine Makes News

The media is abuzz about the creation of a “suicide machine” by a Swiss doctor that let’s people kill themselves at the push of a button. Amazing times in which we live, no? But this is hardly new. Even though he sought a license to engage in human vivisection, Jack Kevorkian broke . . . . Continue Reading »

Your Take: A Muslim Converts

Some readers have objected to my blog about Pope Benedict’s baptizing at the Easter Vigil a Muslim man who is a famous public critic of Islam. In particular, these readers think that it was vulgar of me to suggest that, in so doing, the pope was “flipping the bird” to Osama bin Laden, who had . . . . Continue Reading »

NHS Meltdown: Voucher System Experiment

The NHS is continuing to implode, and apparently some have seen that perhaps a private/public system is the answer. From the story:Tens of thousands of NHS patients will be given money to pay for their own health care in a controversial “voucher” scheme under new government plans. . . . . Continue Reading »

Steve Barr’s Lecture Schedule

Stephen M. Barr, physicist, author , and First Things contributor , will be giving the following lectures in April: Tuesday, April 1, 11:05 p.m., Wyncote, PA “Faith, Physics, and God: A Physicist Looks at the Dialog between Science and Religion” Reconstructionist Rabbinical College 1299 . . . . Continue Reading »

Seize the Day

. . . is the Catholic Channel’s morning show (6-10 am), hosted by Gus Lloyd, on Sirius Satellite radio. Starting Monday you may want to make a point of tuning in ( available online ), as there are several noteworthy guests and a couple of significant anniversaries. Monday On the third . . . . Continue Reading »



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