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Left Behind?

The Economist says that, after decades of dominance left-wing parties are in serious trouble all over Europe . If you have ever worried that Europe may fall into an abyss of bureaucratic socialism, this may seem like straightforward good news. But I’m not so sure about that. The article . . . . Continue Reading »

MSM Assault on Sarah Palin Continues

Despite a brief and welcomed respite from the NYT, the MSM’s obsessive attacks on Sarah Palin and her family continue. The latest is from Vanity Fair, which in the guise of humor, demonstrates their editors unconscionable snobbery and inability to accept differences in lifestyle, as in big . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: A Sure-fire Cure for Stefan McDaniel

In response to Keith in response to Stefan , on the rational moral efficacy of novel-reading, particularly in reference to men: “But you never read novels, I dare say?” [said Catherine] “Why not?” [replied Mr. Tilney] “Because they are not clever enough for . . . . Continue Reading »

A Sure-fire Cure for Stefan McDaniel

1. Take those Austen novels and pack ‘em away. 2. Drop what you’re doing and head off of to the nearest book store. 3. Buy the complete set of Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin novels. 4. Read all twenty volumes sequentially starting with Master and Commander . 5. No need to . . . . Continue Reading »



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