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I have opined here previously—but admitted I can’t prove it—that much of the hatred (and love) directed at Sarah Palin has to do the vivid symbolism of the Palins’ decision to give birth to Trig, who has Down syndrome. As I see it, this act of unconditional love—in stark contrast to the current zeitgeist in which 90% of such babies are not allowed to be born—personifies many of the emotional and sometimes bitter cultural conflicts that permeate some of the issues we deal with here at SHS. Indeed, I suspect that for some, it is such a burning sore spot, they cannot let it go even if their obsession actually helps the McCain/Palin ticket.

As if to prove my hypothesis, the Drudge Report has apparently been leaked a head’s-up from the NYT that the paper will soon run a full front page story on Trig’s birth. Secondhand Smokette tells me not to jump to conclusions—and she is right. But I don’t recall a similar story, leaked to the nation’s news clearing house no less, about the distinctly private sphere being written about any other candidate. Indeed, we have been told repeatedly that children are completely off limits. I guess there is a corollary to that rule: Unless you are a Palin.

If this story even hints at being a hatchet job, it will set off an explosive backlash like the media have never seen. It may anyway. But I will take Debra’s advice and hold my thoughts until the story actually runs.

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