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Minimally Conscious Feel Pain

A study has found that people with serious cognitive impairments who are conscious—people who are routinely dehydrated to death in most states—feel pain. From the story: Severely brain-damaged patients in a “minimally conscious state” may still feel pain and require . . . . Continue Reading »

“What’s Faith Got to Do with It?”

No, Tina Turner isn’t coming out with a new single (as far as we know). But Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete of Communion & Liberation is giving a series of lectures at Columbia here in New York with that title. The topics and dates are as follows: FAITH AND POLITICS: Do they mix? Wed., October 15, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Arena

Speaking of Chesterton poems, “The Arena” is my favorite, and is especially appropriate for this Fall, when the “Gladiators of God” (4-1) seem to be rising again: There uprose a golden giant On the gilded house of Nero Even his far-flung flaming shadow and his image swollen . . . . Continue Reading »



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