I am sure that Sarah Palin’s feelings are very hurt that the total animal rights crackpot Brigitte Bardot doesn’t like her and calls here a disgrace to women. From the story:
“By denying the responsibility of man in global warming, by advocating gun rights and making statements that are disconcertingly stupid, you are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe,” wrote Bardot. The screen icon from the 1960s, who now heads an animal rights foundation, went on to assail Palin for supporting Arctic oil exploration that could jeopardize delicate animal habitats and for dismissing measures to protect polar bears. “This shows your total lack of responsibility, your inability to protect or simply respect animal life,” Bardot wrote.Well, as Governor of Alaska, Palin is opposed to protecting polar bears who have only declined on computer models, not in real life, because she wants her state to develop, desires to promote human prosperity, and would like to help alleviate our over reliance on foreign energy. One can certainly disagree with the position, but it is hardly stupid. Indeed, I suggest that if anyone is a “terrible threat” it is people like Bardot who put animals and nature above people.
As for Madonna, she doesn’t want Palin to come to her concert—as if the VP nominee would! But I have always thought that through Modanna’s devastatingly bad example of profligate and hedonistic living—which she promotes as a role model via her persona—that she has caused more pain to girls who tried to emulate her than can ever be measured.
With Modanna and Bardot against her, Palin must be doing something very right.