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A Bobo’s Guide to Euro-Socialism

I’m spending the morning  (and now part of the afternoon) on one of those fancy buses that has an internet connection. Since I didn’t have the foresight to download an episode of Battlestar Galactica, I’ve got nothing better to do than read tomorrow’s New York Times, and to . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Party and Principle

Over at the American Spectator, Cato’s Doug Bandow considers the implications of Senator Specter’s decision to become a Democrat. Without exactly welcoming the switch, he suggests that Specter’s departure  offers an opportunity to get back to principle: “Absolute purity . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Funnies

Pig learns from Zebra that transhumanism is a pipe dream:Secondhand Smokette insists this cartoon is really about me. I disagree!This picture of me on my Blackberry while in Estonia, is irrelevant to her baseless . . . . Continue Reading »

The Disenchantment of Genius

I’ve just finished a draft of a dissertation chapter that dredges up one of Richard Rorty’s few, all-too-few references to Philip Rieff. Rorty liked Rieff’s remark that “Freud democratized genius by giving everyone a creative unconscious.” Harold Bloom, no antagonist . . . . Continue Reading »

Reducing Poverty by Reducing Children

In the first of what will be a three-part series of articles, Daniel Patrick Moloney at Public Discourse examines the thinking common to both major political parties: that an important way to reduce poverty is to reduce the number of poor children. This viewpoint was most recently articulated by . . . . Continue Reading »



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