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Losing Cash on the Clunkers’ Program

Remember when everyone was saying that the Cash for Clunkers program was merely siphoning off demand from future months? Turns out that’s exactly what’s happening : reports that “September’s light-vehicle sales rate will fall to 8.8 million units . . . the lowest . . . . Continue Reading »

Thanks, Irving Kristol

Like so many people, I would not be where I am today without Irving Kristol. When people called him the “Godfather of neoconservatism,” they meant the term affectionately. Irving touched the lives of more people in his position as talent-spotter-in-chief and dispenser of seed money . . . . Continue Reading »

I&C Shopper’s News

We’ll return to our regularly-scheduled examination of the material culture of religion following this random current-events roundup: British Couple Charged in Religious Discussion. “Is God Dead?” Author Indisputably Dead Archaeologists Unearth Oldest Christian ChurchPrayer . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: My Take on You Tube

On September 9, I was asked to appear on a web-cast for the Family Research Council about Obamacare. (I would also appear at a NOW web-cast, if asked.) It was a pretty good interview, if I don’t say so myself, with interlocutor Tony Perkins.  Here it is for your approval or . . . . Continue Reading »

Use “Default” in a Sentence

Uh . . . how about “Default is all mine?” As in, I’ve spent the last three-and-a-half hours writing a religious-news roundup post with umpteen gazillion links — and I’ve somehow managed to lose the whole thing. Totally. Completely. Poof. Into thin air. The computer has . . . . Continue Reading »



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