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Obamacare: Death Panels by Proxy

Most of the focus in the Obamacare debate has been on HB 3200. But Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) has been trying to forge a compromise package. Instead, he has upset both sides, the Left because it has no public option and the Right because it too contains provisions that would, in the name of cost . . . . Continue Reading »

The Supercriminals of Sweden

If you need another reason to appreciate America, consider that our criminals are, as a general rule, rather dull and dumb. That seems preferable to Sweden where the supercriminals are wickedly smart and exhibit an excess of panache . STOCKHOLM — With cinematic flourish, the masked robbers . . . . Continue Reading »

Exulting in Monotony

For the past few years my friend David Wayne (aka, Jollyblogger ) has been a winsome model of the pastor-blogger. I’ve learned a lot from him and assumed I’d be reading his work for decades. But then last Christmas he discovered—at the age of forty-five—that he has stage four . . . . Continue Reading »

eBaywatch: Jedi Friday

Yoda you seek? Jedi knight you think you are? Icthus on car you want not? In luck you are today.May the Force be with your wedding reception. Still looking for a lightsaber to cut the cake with . . . Meanwhile, Cake Wrecks has your number, O Jedi bride. Alternatively, make the cake yourself. And . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Loyalty a Virtue?

Perhaps I was raised in an overly-Confucian manner, but Conor Friedersdorf’s latest sets my head a-buzzing with questions and my stomach a-churning with unease. Of course, insofar as an administration must work as a team toward common ends, its employees should be loyal so long as they are . . . . Continue Reading »

A One-Term Wonder?

President Obama is looking worse and worse. The combination of a terrible economy and a terrible foreign policy outlook ought to sink him, provided the Republicans can find a competent candidate. Obama never would have been elected in the first place if only John McCain had still been alive. . . . . Continue Reading »

If You’re in the Neighborhood

. . . of Charlotte, North Carolina, this weekend, do be sure to stop by the Eucharistic Congress, sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte. If you happen to be in the neighborhood of Uptown Charlotte around nine on Saturday morning, you’ll hardly be able to miss it. Here’s a series . . . . Continue Reading »



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