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An Evangelical Without the Gospel?

The circus that is Haggard (Ted, not Merle) launched a new act this week —- he’s starting a new church at his home in Colorado.  Just three years since the former megachurch pastor scandalized himself with a male prostitute, he is now ready to “to do something in [their] house . . . . Continue Reading »

Babies Learn Language in the Womb?

This is an interesting study that belies the notion that fetuses are insentient: Apparently, babies cry in their own languages.  From the story:From their very first days, the cries of newborns already bear the mark of the language their parents speak, scientists now find. French newborns tend . . . . Continue Reading »

Can We Talk About Religion, Please?

Last week, Randy Cohen, “The Ethicist” at the New York Times , asked that very question : Etiquette holds that religion, especially another person’s religion, should be treated with deference or, better still, silence by nonbelievers. Hence the familiar dinner-party injunction: . . . . Continue Reading »

Ethnic Profiling

Information is pouring out about the red-flashing warning signals that the Fort Hood killer was a homocidal fanatic. Here’s NPR’s account via Instapundit this morning:EXPLOSIVE: Ft. Hood suspect reportedly shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’. (Via The BlogProf). On NPR I heard . . . . Continue Reading »

Absolutely Clueless About Relativity

Tom Bethel has been riding an anti-relativity-theory hobby horse for years. He has recently published an article questioning the theory of relativity in the American Spectator . I have never met Mr. Bethel. I am sure he is a fine fellow; but he should stick to subjects he knows something about. . . . . Continue Reading »



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