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The State of American Evangelicalism

Today a friend of mine on Facebook (not just a Facebook contact, an actual friend) posted a link to a survey by White Horse Inn distributed at a Franklin Graham evangelism and Christian music event in August. According to the survey, a total of 92 people participated (45% male, 55% female). 57% were . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Pakistani Nukes Safe?

The often-unreliable Seymour Hersch has a long piece on the New Yorker website warning that Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal may end up in hostile hands, either because radical Islamists elements seize parts of it, or because Pakistan itself turns radical Islamist.One gets better material in Asia . . . . Continue Reading »

A Cold Day in Edinburgh

Secondhand Smokette and I had a fine day walking Edinburgh.  It was wet and cold, but the company was warm and the city beautiful.  Here are a few photos.First, the famous castle:I had to take this shot over a lot of construction that impeded the view. But I think I nailed it.I was very . . . . Continue Reading »

Archbishop Dolan and The New York Times

One assumes that The New York Times would have been glad to receive an Op-Ed article from the new Archbishop of New York. The Archdiocese of New York is responsible for a very important part of the city’s educational, medical, and charitable life. The newspaper refused to print it. Such . . . . Continue Reading »

The “Absurdity” of Solving Poverty

A secularist recently complained that Christians haven’t ended poverty after two thousand years and that maybe it’s time we give the federal government a crack at it. I think he’s forgotten about the inefficiency of the federal “War on Poverty” that LBJ established in . . . . Continue Reading »

Baby RB Father Surrenders

Big headlines over here in the UK today: The fight to save the life of Baby RB has ended with the father’s acquiescence to removing life support. From the story:A baby at the centre of a “right to life” court battle will be allowed to die after his father today withdrew his case. . . . . Continue Reading »

What the Church Can Learn from Sesame Street

At the Evangel blog, Russell Moore explains how the children’s television show changed hearts and mind: Sesame Street was effective because the program didn’t just contexutalize to the present; it contextualized to the future. Remember, after all, when the show started. It was in 1969, . . . . Continue Reading »



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