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What’s the Deal With Bob Dylan?

Last month I linked to Andrew Ferguson’s takedown of Bob Dylan and confessed that I never understood the singer’s appeal . Not surprisingly, the Dylan defenders in the comments section thrashed Ferguson and me for failing to appreciate the crooner’s genius. Being an open-minded . . . . Continue Reading »

Ten Things I Liked About Being A Shepherd

When I was a kid, I always ended up as a shepherd in the Christmas pageant. I lacked the heft to be Joseph, as a guy did not want to be an angel, and somehow never made the cut as a wise man.My college students have made suggestions about that last one.There were, however, many advantages to being a . . . . Continue Reading »

Missing Jesus

In our house we have the tradition of putting the Baby Jesus in the creche on midnight on Christmas Eve. During Advent the manger sits empty with the other figures around it . . . waiting. I love it when Hope, as lady of the house, brings out the Baby and completes the scene.Christmas will be here . . . . Continue Reading »

So You Want to Be An Author?

The reading of books offers a variety of pleasures; the publishing of books, not so much. A friend of mine recently landed a book contract and asked me what he could expect. I was excited for him—and excited to read his book—so I didn’t tell him the whole truth: It’s one of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Becoming Christian

Frank Turk a while back offered that:so it should be no surprise when I say it here that I am sure there are Catholics who are saved, and likewise for the occasional Eastern Orthodoxwhich apparently still has my dander up ... as an Orthodox convert (from an American Protestant church) because this . . . . Continue Reading »



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