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Fiscal Conservatism Is Not Enough

After the 2008 election I was invited to attend a meeting of young conservatives in Washington, D.C. to discuss the future of the movement. Although I was flattered to be asked to participate it was unclear why I was included. Out of the forty people in attendance I was, at the age of thirty-eight, . . . . Continue Reading »

Astronauts Against Obama!

You see? We aren’t the only ones to think the president is messing up the space program. “Without the skill and experience that actual spacecraft operation provides,” the astronaut corps writes Obama , “the USA is far too likely to be on a long downhill slide to . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Mormonism Christianity?

A friend, still cross at the Mormon Glenn Beck for telling Christians to leave their churches, wrote last night asking if Mormonism is a form of Christianity or another religion, and I would be grateful for your thoughts. There are a couple of tests, it seems to me. One is the teaching of the major . . . . Continue Reading »

Father Schall on Hating the Church

From Fr. James Schall, one of the good Jesuits: Hatred of the Church? A sample: If Benedict XVI has brought anything to the fore in Catholic theology, it is the nature and necessity of “judgment” of the acts we put into the world. This judgment is what Spe Salvi , among other things, is . . . . Continue Reading »

How Property is Like Marriage

Doug Wilson argues that without property rights there are no human rights: As Christians talk about governmental thieveries, the discussion of these issues in America has an additional layer, and that layer, just like all the others, is unfriendly to tyrants. I want to argue that property is a . . . . Continue Reading »



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