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Breaking News from the PR Department

Has Noah’s Ark Been Found? , asks the blaring headline of the press release from the PR firm Hamilton Strategies that just showed up in my inbox. And the answer? Ah, the italicized subhead explains, “Dr. Alex McFarland, President of Southern Evangelical Seminary, Says It Doesn’t . . . . Continue Reading »

A Not So Happy Birthday

The anniversary of the Pill is, as Gail Collins phrased it in her celebratory  op-ed , a moveable feast. The FDA actually approved the Pill on June 23, 1960, but it announced its intentions to do so on May 9 and a Mothers Day celebration of the Pill was just too good for the media to resist. . . . . Continue Reading »

A Strangeness in the Land

I suppose it’s one way to solve the problem: CNN reported a few minutes ago that the Mojave Cross , which had been the cause of a recent Supreme Court decision, has disappeared—stolen by vandals. There is a strangeness in the land: a hatred of religion that’s sharp, palpable, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Electronic Diversions

Yesterday, I took a swipe at President Obama for his big-think about how “information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation. ” I still think it’s not presidential to be a . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Jews the New WASPs?

Philip Weiss makes an intriguing argument that Jews are replacing WASPs as the American Establishment—and explains why it won’t last: The Kagan appointment means that we have entered a period in which Jews are equal members, if not actually predominant members, of the American . . . . Continue Reading »

American Troops in Red Square?

As a member of the last generation of Cold Warriors, this sight warms my heart: American troops marching through Red Square . U.S. troops marched through Red Square for the first time in a Victory Day parade on Sunday as Russia celebrated the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II. It was a . . . . Continue Reading »



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