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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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More Brilliance From the EDGE

From First Thoughts

I have done a little more reading from the Edge, the self-described meeting place of the “most interesting minds” in the world. As some of you will recall from an earlier posting, the Edge is asking the brilliantly interesting among us to describe what they are scientifically optimistic . . . . Continue Reading »

Big Game Hunters Help the Animals

From First Thoughts

When I was in South Africa speaking a few years ago, Secondhand Smokette and I made a point of traveling to a big game park so we could view the wild animals at close quarters. We stayed at Umlani, which is in a private park, and had a superb time viewing lions, a cheetah, elephants galore (a big . . . . Continue Reading »

Eugenics Give and Take at THE CORNER

From First Thoughts

So, the discussion about eugenics, which we got into here yesterday, has continued at The Corner today, and I got into the mix. For those interested, and to avoid a lot of scrolling, here is how it generally went: Derbyshire: “Re Eugenics” and “More Eugenics.” Followed by . . . . Continue Reading »

Dolly’s Tenth Birthday

From First Thoughts

Dolly was born ten years ago (last July). Many think she was the first cloned mammal. Not true. She was the first mammal cloned with an adult cell. But that is neither here nor there. The point is that Dolly’s birth changed everything.The Scotsman reports about how a party is planned to . . . . Continue Reading »

Rationalizing Eugenics

From First Thoughts

Over at The Corner, there is some back and forth going on about the James Watson Esquire interview that I posted earlier today. John Derbyshire sniffs that the worry about eugenics is overblown, so long as it isn’t state imposed: “If you don’t like eugenics, you are not going to . . . . Continue Reading »