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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Human Cloning: Have Your Say

From First Thoughts

The Scientist is having an on-line discussion about human cloning. Below are the questions The Scientist poses:Is the nuclear transfer challenge one of understanding or technique? It would seem that the scientific community presumes successful stem cell cloning is a matter of resources and technical . . . . Continue Reading »

The Devil is in the Details

From First Thoughts

The Eureka Journal reported that the California Association of Physicians Groups supports the assisted suicide legalization bill A.B. 374. As I noted here at the time, that organization is a lobbying group representing the business and political interests of group physician practices, that is, it is . . . . Continue Reading »

Mendacious Feinstein/Hatch S. 812

From First Thoughts

I can disagree with people about political, social, and moral issues and still respect them. But when they resort to the kind of deceptions that permeate S. 812, the Feinstein/Hatch bill to legalize human cloning and pay women to procure eggs for use in research—which pretends to ban human . . . . Continue Reading »

Organ Hysteria

From First Thoughts

I think that the hue and cry against non heart beating cadaver donor protocols—what I have called “heart death”— is misguided. And it reflects a misconception about the concept of “brain death,” a popular term for death by neurological criteria—which does . . . . Continue Reading »