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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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More Bad Science Reporting on Cloning

From First Thoughts

I grow weary: Science journalists should report science matters accurately, without spin and the usual hype seen in the ESCR/human cloning debates. Alas, we don’t see much of that in this report, byline Dave Mosher of LiveScience. The story is about Ian Wilmut, the veterinarian who supervised . . . . Continue Reading »

Data Stored in Living Cells

From First Thoughts

According to this report, scientists have stored data in living neurons for the first time, opening the potentiality for “cyborg computer chips.” From the story:Many believe that complex patterns of neuronal firing are templates for memory, which the brain uses when storing information. . . . . Continue Reading »

Stem Cell Radio

From First Thoughts

This is an interesting radio interview (NPR: Diane Rehm) about the current stem cell controversies. It is worth a listen. The guests areRick Weiss, science reporter for “The Washington Post” Dr. John Gearhart, professor of medicine and director of the stem cell program at Johns Hopkins . . . . Continue Reading »