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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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SHS in the Air

From First Thoughts

I recorded an interview with Shelton Walden a bit ago for his program Walden’s Pond on WBAI, 99.5 FM in New York. It airs today at 1 Eastern, or can be streamed here. This is a Pacifica radio station, on the left of the political spectrum as well as the radio dial, and so I was very pleased to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Peril of "Stem Cell Tourism"

From First Thoughts

I have warned against this from time to time, but it always bears repeating. The hype tossed around so casually in the great stem cell debate—mostly but not exclusively by ESCR proponents—has raised hopes so high that some people are rushing for unproven stem cell treatments in places . . . . Continue Reading »