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An ad on Craigslist offers to euthanize pets at a discount, upsetting animal lovers. From the story:

The person who posted the ad on Craigslist said he or she has a “military background” and is “very good at what I do. All work is carried out at my private home in Federal Heights,” the ad stated. “I can promise your pet a quick and painless death. I have had experience with everything from cows and horses to dogs, snakes, parrots and even a few whole litters of unwanted kittens.”
This is probably a hoax, but if not, it is wrong and if being carried out the perpetrator should be prosecuted.

But the story got me to thinking. This is precisely the kind of ad Jack Kevorkian put in the newspapers to get his first assisted suicide clients. And now he gets $50,000 a speech and recently was invited to speak at Harvard Law School.

So, offer to kill animals on the cheap, create a firestorm. Offer to do assisted suicide for free and become an international celebrity. Such are the times in which we live.

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