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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Soup Kitchens for Dogs

From First Thoughts

A soup kitchen has opened in Berlin to make sure that the pets of homeless people are well fed. From the story: Despite the looming financial crisis, director Claudia Hollm dismissed criticism that it may be more sensible to collect money for humans than for dogs. “Nowadays people . . . . Continue Reading »

Love, Not Killing, is the Answer

From First Thoughts

With Washington about to vote on I-1000, and the legalization of euthanasia/assisted suicide under serious discussion in Canada, Australia, and soon in California, Arizona, Vermont, Wisconsin, and elsewhere, an article by Rene Leiva, a Canadian palliative care physician, is worth pondering. He . . . . Continue Reading »

Scientists Clone Frozen Mice

From First Thoughts

Scientists have been able to clone mice that have been dead for up to sixteen years. From the story:Japanese scientists have cloned mice whose bodies were frozen for as long 16 years and said on Monday it may be possible to use the technique to resurrect mammoths and other extinct species. Mouse . . . . Continue Reading »

Wonkette Hits Palin on Trig

From First Thoughts

I have long held that much of the irrational hatred directed at Sarah Palin—not political opposition, but the hatred—is because she dared to knowingly give birth to a baby with Down syndrome. This suspicion is heightened by this disgusting blog entry by the Wonkette blog discussing a . . . . Continue Reading »

Media’s Love Affair With Suicide Outlaws

From First Thoughts

The media never tire of fawning stories about people who assist others in self destruction. The latest example of this journalistic groupieism comes out of the Vancouver Sun, in which a reporter goes to the home of an assisted suicide facilitator named Russell Ogden.From the story, byline Douglas . . . . Continue Reading »

Wanting to Marry a Cartoon Character

From First Thoughts

This is very sad but I think it qualifies as a form of the profound anti-humanism that is running rampant in the world. A man in Japan wants to marry a cartoon and has started a petition drive to pressure the government to permit it. From the story: A Japanese man has enlisted hundreds of people in . . . . Continue Reading »