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Can the Religious Right be Saved?
I am an heir of Bible Belt America, but also a survivor of Bible Belt America. I was reared in an ecosystem of Evangelical Christianity, informed by a large...
Evangelicals Won’t Cave
Could the next Billy Graham be a married lesbian? In the year 2045, will Focus on the Family be “Focus on the Families,” broadcasting counsel to Evangelicals about how...
Evangelical Retreat?
Growing up in a Southern Baptist church in the 1970s and ’80s, I heard quite a bit about “the Rapture.” This was the dispensationalist apocalyptic teaching that some day,...
Born-Again Babies
Godly Seed: American Evangelicals Confront Birth Control, 1873–1973? by Allan Carlson Transaction, 172 pages, $29.95 Seeing our five sons, strangers in the grocery store ask us, “Do you know...