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A Gentler Christendom
with a response byEdmund Waldsteinand reply by Ross Douthat How should contemporary Christians react to the decline of their churches, the secularization of the culture, the final loss of Christendom?...
The Shadow of Failure
Ross Douthat replies to Edmund Waldstein’s article “All We Need Is Everything,” which is a response to Ross Douthat’s article “A Gentler Christendom.” I am grateful to Edmund Waldstein for...
Catholic Ideas and Catholic Realities
For the last fifty years, from the Second Vatican Council onward, it made sense to speak of an American Catholicism fully reconciled to liberal democracy. On the fringes there...
A Crisis of Conservative Catholicism
Let’s begin with a story. It’s one I’ve heard many times; it’s one I’ve told more than a few times myself. It’s a story about the Catholic Church in...
The Girl with the Franzen Tattoo
Freedom By Jonathan Franzen Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 576 pages, $28 What if Jane Austen’s Bennet sisters had been bright young graduates of Bowdoin or Colgate or Dartmouth, with...