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Mormons Approaching Orthodoxy

Richard J. Mouw

In the spring of 1836, a few weeks before his Kirtland, Ohio, baptism into the Mormon Church, Lorenzo Snow met with Joseph Smith Sr., the father of Mormonism’s founder....

A Real Theocrat

Richard J. Mouw

Christian Reconstructionism: 
R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservatism
 by michael j. mcvicar
 north carolina, 326 pages, $34.95 In 1966, the editors of Chris­tianity Today rejected an article that...

Mormon Catholicism

Richard J. Mouw

Mormon Christianity: What Other Christians Can Learn from the Latter-day Saintsby stephen h. webboxford, 232 pages, $27.95 In the Evangelical world in which I was raised, “Mormon Christianity” would...

Surprised by Calvin

Richard J. Mouw

In his Letters to Malcolm, C.S. Lewis reminds his fictitious friend about an argument the two of them once had in Edinburgh—an encounter, Lewis remembers, where “we nearly came...

Heaven: The Logic of Eternal Joy

Richard J. Mouw

In my early days of teaching introductory philosophy courses, I always lectured on Socrates’ understanding of the immortality of the soul. I would lead my students through the dialogue...