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The Nun from Nigeria Sits Next to Me at the College Jazz Concert

Marjorie Maddox

Face blank as absolution,              from this back rowshe stares straight ahead              to the small raised stageof touring...


Marjorie Maddox

This second circle—coming back againto the coming back—the sweeping dial of days; where all time’s whats and whys and whens click clockwise on your face, or mine. Beginagain the...


Marjorie Maddox

“Virtue! a fig! ’tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus.Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our willsare gardeners.” —Othello, William Shakespeare “Virtue! A fig!” We...

Laundry List

Marjorie Maddox

“The ordinary acts we practice every dayat home are of more importance to the soulthan their simplicity might suggest.” —St. Thomas More Shake out doubt.Sliced mustard seedsgather in creases...

The Joke around the Water Cooler and Other Dilemmas

Marjorie Maddox

Let us nail ourselves to him, resistingthe temptation to stand apart or to joinothers in mocking him.” —Pope Benedict XVI Let us nail ourselves to him and resisttemptation’s lure...

Lower Higher Ed

Marjorie Maddox

           Here God gums up in the mouth, won’t spit itself out with every easy expletive, leaving the discussion free for disagreement.            Harder to digest than politically correct sex, shit,...

The Episcopal Priest Cleans Out His Office

Marjorie Maddox

After the years of tear-drying and tissue-passing, the closed-door conferences above reproach and beyond remembrance, he packs files of sermons, reread books, thank-you notes and complaints, receipts from now-broken...