John D. Martin
Dr. Who , television’s longest-running science fiction show, has returned to planet Earth after battling near extinction. Certainly, for anyone who grew up watching BBC from the 1960 to the 1980s, the mysterious Doctor and his police-box time machine are unforgettable¯so much so, that . . . . Continue Reading »
Transported who knows why or whence He was simply there one spring- The bird who came to dinner and stayed. Of course we couldn’t help wonder about him. What was that great regal marsh-dwelling creature Doing there among the bread-begging mallards In the tame little duckpond of the Japanese . . . . Continue Reading »
Milkwhite in his alb and still as this temple, The priest waits with the stone patience of a heron. I approach in the deadfall of midafternoon, Flotsam blown in out of the snow-harrowed day. He stabs once, twice, raking my cold brow With the stiff bill of his ash-black thumb. “Remember, man, . . . . Continue Reading »
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