This is a choice—it’s not a tragedy—
And we exist to help you get it done.
Why make this harder than it has to be?

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This is a choice and not a tragedy.

Our pills? Organic, and they’re gluten-free.
Don’t miss our “Steady Stand” to hold your gun.
Why make this harder than it has to be?

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So rest assured you’ve bought the best, bar none.
Make a choice. Avoid a tragedy:

With our assistance you can probably
Forgo a costly, dangerous dry-run.
Friends make this harder than it has to be,

But we’re committed to your privacy
And won’t disclose your plans to anyone.
This is a choice. It’s not a tragedy.
Why make this harder than it has to be?

Robert Crawford


Begging Your Pardon

Joshua P. Hochschild

Who attempts to overthrow a government without weapons? Why would the alleged leader of an insurrection authorize…

Pharmacists Should Not Be Allowed to Prescribe Abortion Pills

Rachel Roth Aldhizer

At the end of 2024, Washington State implemented a month-long pilot program that allowed some pharmacists to prescribe mifepristone…

The End of Trudeau’s Pseudo-Caesarism

Nathan Pinkoski

When Barack Obama first won the presidency in 2008, he ushered in a distinctive left-liberal aesthetic of…