George Weigel

Against the Politics of Grievance

Woke,” shorthand for what was once known as “political correctness,” helped fuel a grievance-based progressive politics that did…
R. R. Reno

The Return of Strong Religion

The wind has shifted. People want hard religion, not easy religion. They seek out communities that are demanding…
Mary Harrington portrait
Mary Harrington

Sex in the Frame

I doubt the readers of First Things need persuading that pornography is bad. It might feel invigorating to…

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

Elon’s Family Values

Matthew Schmitz
A battle has broken out on the American right. Two visions of what it means to have children are contending for supremacy. On one side stands the genetic-determinist right, which…

Radical Disembodiment

Liel Leibovitz

Super Bowl ads are a great American art form. Paying eight million dollars or more for a…

In Search of Turkish Delight

Valerie Stivers

In a final scene of ­Dorothy Sayers’s 1930 novel Strong ­Poison, a murderer devours a large quantity…

The Return of Strong Religion

R. R. Reno

The wind has shifted. People want hard religion, not easy religion. They seek out communities that are…

Goldilocks Protestantism

Brad East

Imagine a world without Protestantism. I don’t mean a world without Christians who are neither Catholic nor…

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PODCASTS More Podcasts


The End of White Privilege

Host: Mark Bauerlein GUEST: A.J. Rice

The latest installment of an ongoing interview series with contributing editor Mark Bauerlein. A.J. Rice joins in to discuss his recent book, The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to…


Fulton Sheen: Master Evangelist

Host: Mark Bauerlein GUEST: Cheryl Hughes

The latest installment of an ongoing interview series with contributing editor Mark Bauerlein. Cheryl Hughes joins in to discuss her recent book, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: Convert Maker. The conversation…


Woke vs. The Left

Host: Mark Bauerlein GUEST: David Rieff

The latest installment of an ongoing interview series with contributing editor Mark Bauerlein. David Rieff joins in to discuss his recent book, Desire and Fate. The conversation is embedded below….

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Lessons from the Decline of Protestant Churches

Carl R. Trueman
Reports of the financial struggles and decline in membership among large American denominations have become so commonplace that they often elicit little more than a shrug. But every now…

The Erosion of Sin

John Wilson

Readers of the April issue of First Things will have seen James F. Keating’s learned and perceptive…

Why the Department of Education Has to Go

Emmett McGroarty

In signing Executive Order 14242 (“Improving Education Outcomes by Empowering Parents, States, and Communities”), President Trump directed…

The Convert in the White House

Jonathan Liedl

The United States has had its share of prominent Catholic statesmen, but never one like Vice President…

Hope Without God?

Kirsten Sanders

Hopeful Pessimism by mara van der lugt princeton university press, 280 pages, $24.95 Is it possible to be…


The Pillar and Foundation of Truth: A Statement by Evangelicals and Catholics Together

Evangelicals and Catholics Together

As the People of God, the Church is the temple of the Holy Spirit, Christ’s very body…

Who Owns the Embryos?

Ericka Andersen

For Emily Ballou, it seemed like the perfect solution. She had always wanted to adopt a child…

AI Doesn’t Know What It’s Doing

Thomas Fowler

Artificial intelligence is an umbrella term covering ­many beliefs about the powers possessed by computers, both now…


Omnis in Scripturas

Rhys Laverty

Out in some wild place, there stands a prophet. He is alone with the elements and his…

No Country for Christendom

Martin Gramling

The Armagnac was low in the bottle when my host erupted on the subject of American empire.…

Sex in the Frame

Mary Harrington

I doubt the readers of First Things need persuading that pornography is bad. It might feel invigorating…

Poetry More Poetry

Honeymoon Road Signs on I-10 East in Arizona 

J. C. Scharl

Zero visibility possible,you read aloud. The logic’s water-tight:there’s always a good chance for lack of sight.  We…

The End of Politics

Ben Myers

The living soul will demand life, the living soul won’t listen to mechanics, the living soul is…

The End of March 

Sally Thomas

Stands of bearded iris, purple in mourningSpring up, early, among their cool green speartips,Pale and pointed, palmlike,…

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