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RJN: True Philosophy

Robert Royal, who runs the Washington-based Faith & Reason Institute, has a new book out from Encounter, The God That Did Not Fail: How Religion Built and Sustains the West . The argument of the title and subtitle is persuasively set out, and we will be giving the book more attention in the pages of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Ottawa River Valley

It is not exactly wilderness, although the word applies if by wilderness one means, as no doubt some today would mean, any place that does not have access to the Internet. While I was at the family cottage in Quebec for several weeks I was serenely unaware of what was happening on this website, . . . . Continue Reading »

Miller: Suicide Pact

Although little noted on this side of the Atlantic, Jenni Murray, a presenter on BBC’s Woman’s Hour , announced on-air recently that she and two of her friends have entered into a suicide pact (see here and here ). Each of the women has promised to kill (or help kill) either of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Oakes: Islam and Conversion

In my last posting , I wrapped up some very general reflections on the relation between faith and reason with this aside: "Western civilization¯having put Christianity on the defensive for so long, and then seeing its Enlightened sons of reason turn on their own mother¯now finds . . . . Continue Reading »

Smith: Suicide Pacts Revisited

Robert T. Miller’s entry about Jenni Murray’s suicide pact is indeed worth noticing, but primarily I think because of a point he does not explore. In addition to not wanting to be a burden, Murray groused about not wanting to be burdened by having to care for her aging parents. Publicity . . . . Continue Reading »

Miller: Two Kinds of Norms

I argued here last week that, as morally objectionable as Plan B (the "morning after" drug that prevents conception or acts as an abortifacient) may be, the Bush administration had little choice under the law but to approve it for sale. Much as I expected, some of my pro-life friends . . . . Continue Reading »

Barr: Response to George and Lee II

I fear that Profs. George and Lee may have misunderstood my position . They seem to think that I have been arguing against any kind of continuity between the premortem body and the resurrected body. For instance, they say, Professor Barr’s argument seems to be this: (1) When a body is . . . . Continue Reading »

Novak: The Rise of Unmeltable Ethnics, Part I

It is hard to believe that thirty-five years have gone by since the long summer of 1971, when I was writing the first edition of The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics (published in April 1972). The world has changed a great deal since then. Some of the goals I set out to promote in that book came to . . . . Continue Reading »

Douthat: The Dems’ Religion Problem

Jody already remarked on the new Pew survey showing that while Americans are less inclined to call the GOP “friendly” to religion than they were two years ago (down from 55 to 47 percent), they’re much less likely to call the Democrats religion-friendly, with just 26 percent . . . . Continue Reading »



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