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Ratifying U.N. Radicalism

From March 2 until March 13th the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) held their meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. An annual event that coincides with International Women’s Day (March 8), it brings together hundreds of feminists (in theory) to improve the lot of women . . . . Continue Reading »

Proclaiming The Good News

” The gospel was not good advice but good news.” — William R. Inge, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 1911—1934. Dean Inge was right. The preacher’s primary task is not to tell people what to do. It is to proclaim good news. Inge’s younger colleague at St. Paul’s, Canon . . . . Continue Reading »

End of an Era

Fifty years. It seems like a long time. But if you pick up Jacques Barzun’s searching analysis of modern education, The House of Intellect , the half century melts away. Published in 1959, this piquant critique of post-War American attitudes toward the life of the mind remains . . . . Continue Reading »

Trading Truth for Unity

It is the issue that simply will not go away¯at least not in the post-Christian, post-consensus West. It is the issue that breeds a nasty recurring tendency to divide, and divide, and then divide some more. It is the issue to which (seemingly) every General Assembly, every major synod, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Paranoia, Pride, and Prejudice

Sr. Sandra M. Schneiders, plainly unhappy with a recently announced apostolic visitation of women’s communities in America, wrote an email to some of her colleagues and friends which she later approved for publication in the National Catholic Reporter .In her email, Sr. Schneiders, a member of . . . . Continue Reading »



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